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A New Wave of Child Abuse?

Writer's picture: FemaleRepublicanFemaleRepublican

Children, innocent, playful and most definitely impressionable. Every parent seems to have their own ideas when it comes to parenting, but this mother in Texas took her's way to far. Six-year-old James is the center of a nasty divorce between his parents. His mother claims her son wants to identify as a female. Therefore she dressed him in girl clothes and enrolled him in school under the name Luna. His father, on the other hand, says his son identifies as a boy; therefore he dresses James in male clothes. So what is going on here? The child identifies as a girl when the mother is around and identifies as a boy when the father is around. A therapist recently diagnosed him with gender dysphoria. Well… yeah.. what did you think was going to happen if mommy wants you to be a girl and daddy tells you that you are a boy. The kid is six. SIX. Now the dad is facing child abuse charges. Don’t adjust your glasses.. yes, the dad. Despite several statements from community members claiming that James acts like a regular boy, the courts still forbid the father from dressing him in boys clothes. The worst part of all is James can be facing literal chemical castration by the age of eight.

Think about what you thought about when you were six. Getting an extra cookie after dinner? Wondering who you would play with at recess? I’m pretty sure you were not thinking about being born into a body of the wrong gender. Now, think back to how big of an impression your parents made on you as a kid. Children look up to their parents like guys living in their mom’s basement look up to Bernie Sanders. “Parenting decisions affect how children turn out physically, socially, and emotionally “( Moges, Weber ).

So, who is the abuser in James’s case. (Hint it is not the dad). The decision, in this case, is going to be tremendously important. If the father is found guilty, it will undoubtedly change the nation. There could potentially be hundreds to thousands of parents forcing mental illness on their own children and getting away with it. By the time James and future kids have the mental capacity to realize what has been done to them who knows how they will react. Will they go along with it because that’s the reality they have always known? Will suicide rates skyrocket? Hopefully, we will never have to find out.

moges, and weber. “Parental Influence on the Emotional Development of Children.” Developmental Psychology at Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University, 2014,





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