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Election Mayhem

Writer's picture: FemaleRepublicanFemaleRepublican

Updated: Nov 9, 2018

As we all know, Georgia’s midterm election was held yesterday. A lot of game-changing events went down, and I’m here to talk about it. Starting off with the Congress. The Democrats picked up 34 seats in the house giving them control (as predicted. On the other hand, Republicans picked up three seats in Senate (Possibly four but that is undetermined at this time) which allows for the senate to remain in Republican control. The race for governor was not straightforward. As results started to come in Kemp seemed like a clear winner. That did not last for long because the race quickly tightened up. It is now over 24 hours after the polls close and Abrams is only 60,000 votes behind. Kemp is at 50.3, and a runoff will be called if he drops below 50. I’m not going to sit here and give you a step by step comparison of the two candidates views. Both candidates have working websites; educating yourself is your job. That being said there are a few things I would like to touch on.

Brian Kemp, the racist, homophobic bigot that seems to be so hated. Let's talk about him. I can almost guarantee 80% of the leftists ranting about how much they hate him can not name one out of four steps he has for reforming Georgia so here they are.

1. Putting small business first

2. Reform state govt

3. Strengthen Rural Georgia

4. Put Georgia first.

That seems vague so let me go into detail. His plans include, more funding for public schools/raising teachers to pay, reducing gang violence, lower health care premiums, audit all tax breaks, cap state spending, and the list goes on and on.

Starting with a conversation on gang violence, the data involving gangs is a hard thing to pinpoint because, well, gang members don’t usually like to announce themselves. In Atlanta alone, there are suspected to be 1,000+ gangs with up to 1.4 MILLON members. Shockingly, (ok yeah not so shocking) 70%-80% of violent crimes/property crimes are gang-related. So yeah, clearly this is an issue. (look into Fund the Criminal Street Gang Database created by O.C.G.A. § 16-15- 11 for more details) Eh but that’s not that much. Should we probably focus on gender natural bathrooms and police brutality right? (Police killed 30 people in Georgia in 2017, and almost all of them were justified just by the way).

Let's talk about deportation and ILLEGAL aliens. “Kemp’s Track and Deport plan, which was released in March of 2018, includes the creation of a Criminal Alien Database that provides law enforcement with the resources to track and swiftly deport criminal aliens from our jails and prisons (” Oh wait.. he said, criminals? Yes. Criminals. Shall I continue? “While deporting criminal aliens from the Peach State will certainly impact the opioid epidemic, curb sex trafficking, lower crime rates, and protect families from violence, (” Need I say more?

The list goes on and on. I’m not here to explain how Kemp is some kind of god send but I say this for one main reason. Living in Atlanta, you run into a lot of leftists. I mean A LOT. Walk on to campus and get confronted with a group of Kavanaugh protesters accusing you of expanding rape culture if you don’t join them. Say one positive thing about a Republican leader and you're labeled with “racist” and an “indecent human being.” It really is ridiculous mostly because these people get their “knowledge” from Twitter. They preach equality and then turn around and say men should not be able to vote in regards to abortion. They preach the importance of voting and getting your voice heard and then chastise you if you vote for anyone they disagree with. In the end, it doesn’t matter what the facts are or what the statistics show, the left time and time again spit out information that was spoon fed to them rather than looking at the big picture themselves. The economy is at an all time high, yet the only rebuttal the left seems to have is “ok, but Trump said this one mean thing on twitter one time.” What are the pressing issues in America? Global warming? Same-sex marriage? The boy scouts letting transgender people in? Eradicating republicans? The left seems to think so. I think the real problem is the lack of research. That is an issue that affects both sides without a doubt, but it seems to be a bigger problem when regarding the left.





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